Body - The landscape of feeling/ El cuerpo un paisaje de sentimiento

An ongoing exploration

Una exploración en curso.

The idea behind this is to learn how to drop into the wisdom of the body to experience presence.

Observing, feeling, and sensing our bodies, we can understand that this form that we have, our physical form, is always in the present moment.

You can only observe the pictures on this page. As a photographer of my own body, the experience has been, still is, and will be an embodied experience full of presence. A meditation.

Every picture contains beyond the shape of a body, beyond the flesh, age, bones, and blood, there is a recognition of it (an observation), a feeling, a sense, and a unique moment in time.

You can observe these photographs just as a shape, or you can bring full body presence to this observing” by dropping into your body and attending to your own. While looking at these images.

How does it feel your body, as you see mine?




Food Photography